AngelFlorist -- Your preferred florist in Malaysia
AngelFlorist values the privacy of all of our customer. In order to allow our customers to shop at ease, ensures that all personal informations are kept confidential and be processed fairy and lawfully while in our possession and custody. We assure all of our customer that we would responsible for our company's compliance with our privacy policy.
Secure Shopping
Safe transactions and the protection of your privacy have always been our top priorities. All private information that you send us (including credit card numbers, names, addresses, and telephone numbers) are kept confidential and will not be disclosed to any unauthorized third parties.
Use of "cookies"
A cookie is a small file stored on your computer by a web site which gives you a numeric user ID and stores certain information about your activity on the site. We use cookies to let us know you are a prior customer and to provide certain unique features to you. We do not use cookies to handle any financial information from you.
In all, we would like to stress that information is not sold to or shared with other parties for any commercial purposes other than normal order fulfillment and confidential site activity or sales tracking.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Firewalls Encryption
Secure Socket Layer is used to ensure security of data transported and routed through HTTP, LDAP or POP3 application layers. Together with the use of Firewalls, We protect your privacy against loss or theft as well as unauthorized access and disclosure of your information. In addition, we limit access to personal information of our customers to only employees who we believe reasonably need the information to provide you with our products and services.
Should you have any enquires on our privacy policy, please contact us via email at